Worth County, Missouri
Worth County Information Request & Request Policy

The Worth County Circuit Clerks office has adopted the following policy:
Court personnel shall not fax or give any information personally or via phone conversation.
Times for Requests
All requests for copies shall be in person or written form.
(You may download request here or see clerk for form. Downloaded form must still be returned to the couthouse by hand.)
Requests in person or returning completed downloaded forms shall be made during regular business hours, which is Monday through Friday 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Method of Requesting
All requests shall be made during times specified in person or written form other than for Court personnel. No phone requests for files shall be made except by authorized Court personnel.
All written requests shall be honored and returned by US mail.
Any properly formed requests for files shall pay a fee as follows:
In person requests. (When requesting party makes the copies. Court personnel their discretion on what may be taken out of the office to the copy machine.) $.25 per page
Written requests. (When Court personnel makes all copies.) $.50 per page
Requests that are mailed shall be charged $.25 for the envelope(s).
All checks shall be payable to the Worth County Clerk.
The requesting party shall be responsible for all postage, envelope(s) and copy costs.
Procedure shall be in this order -
Written request shall be file stamped for timely measures.
Court personnel shall determine costs and notify the requesting party of all postage and copy fees due once all copies are completed.
Requesting party shall pay for all costs prior to the information being received or mailed to them.
Miscellaneous Information
​Written requests may take up to 10 business (working) days. Excluding State holidays.
In person requests, where Court personnel are to make copies may take up to 3 business (working) days.