Worth County, Missouri
"Worth coming home to."
​The peaceful village of Denver, Missouri echoes back to the days when F. C. Grace housed his furniture warehouses and showroom floors. Many residents of Worth County and even in larger towns like St. Joseph can recall when they bought that first dining room table at F. C. Grace Furniture in Denver. Bar-X cafe was also a huge hit, and drew people from all over the state in for the delicious steaks.

Our Story
The Village of Denver is the oldest Village in the county and was once a thriving community with many businesses. It even rivaled the county seat as one of the busiest trading centers in the county. It was originally named Fairview when it was first settled in 1849, and later called Grant’s Hill, but eventually the name was changed to Denver in 1871.
Denver has an interesting historical background. In the 1880 a well north of town was discovered to have healing properties. The owner built a commodious brick building near the well. It housed baths that were filled with the wonderful spring water. People came from all over the world to soak in these baths and be healed of many ailments. The crowds were good for several years , but eventually faded away, as modern medicine took over.
Denver was a bustling trade center until about WWII time. Several businesses that were one time thriving began to disappear until now, there are no businesses left in the village.

Recent Activity
Denver is host to the historical Denver School, which is the last 2 story school building in the state and possibly in the nation. Helen Foster, and the Community Betterment club maintain the building. They hold various events to raise money for upkeep. They have completed many projects including window repair, exterior painting and new guttering. Donations have also provided funds to reroof and do foundation repair.
The late Ladora Combs donated her life long collections of artifacts, and historical material to Helen Foster and the school. The items are all on display making the schoolhouse a viable museum and community center. Helen and the community development group have fundraising events a few times a year to help with upkeep of the building.
Sowards Ford is located a few miles south of Denver. The CBC commissioned the Missouri Conservation Department to buy this area for a campground and access to the Grand River. The site remains open and is very busy during the summer months.
Come experience the peaceful easy feeling of Denver, Missouri and find why it's "Worth coming home to."